My library print or copy job is not working, what can I do?


Some of the most common printer errors and how to solve them:

  • When I hit “start” on copy screen, it asks for more paper 

    • This happens due to the “automatically select” option for the paper, simply select any other tray.

  • Copy is blank 

    • This is often caused from inserting the paper face down in the document feeder, or face up directly on the glass scanner bed. In the document feeder (top), it should be facing up where you can see the text. With the glass bed you must place your documents starting at the top left, face down.

  • Printer says “Funds Not Available”

    • You’ll need to add funds to your ID at the Lion Cash Machine next to the bulletin board.

  • Printer says “User Account is locked at ‘Geelib-1st’”

    • This is either means your account is still logged into another printer (if you switch between two quickly without hitting log out it can happen), or that your user account is locked and you need to call 903-468-6000.

  • Print is in black and white when you want color

    • This usually occurs since the default printer is “Xerox B/W Library”, selecting the “color” option is not enough, you must also change the printer to “Xerox Color Library”.

  • Hit “Print” at printer, and nothing printed

    • This is mostly likely due to the paper size you’ve selected at the printer. It must be 8.5x11 for the paper size or it won’t print. Even if it is off by a decimal, it will still not print.

  • Printer says “Load Paper in Tray 5”

    • This occurs when you attempt to print a paper size that isn’t 8.5x11, simply change your print settings on the computer.

  • Printed double-sided when I needed single sided

    • The default setting is double-sided and must be changed before hitting print at the computer.

If you have any other issues you can ask at the Information Desk for help!

For more help with printing, checkout our Printing, Copying, & Scanning Guide.

  • Last Updated May 03, 2023
  • Views 62
  • Answered By Preston Livingston

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