How can I find an article in the library databases for my research project?


There are several ways to find articles for your research.

  • OneSearch
    • OneSearch provides a Google-like experience, allowing you to explore the majority of the Library’s resources with a single search.  Find reliable library materials on your topic in the form of peer reviewed articles, print and e-Books, newspaper articles, reference entries, government documents, videos, and more. Check out our OneSearch video tutorial
  • Research Databases
    • You can also search for specific Research Databases to find peer reviewed articles, book chapters, videos, newspaper articles, laws and statutes, photographs, data sets and more. You can search by database title, subject, or description keywords.
  • Scholarly Journal Collection
    • You haves access to thousands of individual journals and the articles within them. The journal collection includes scholarly, professional, and trade journals. You can also set up a personalized bookshelf with BrowZine to stay on top of the latest publications in your area.
  • Last Updated Jan 15, 2022
  • Views 425
  • Answered By Sarah Northam

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